MASE TRAINING is a Community Committed to Changing the World through Health, Wellness, Fitness, and Performance Training Inspiring People to Push Past their Perceived Limitations.
Colossians 3:23
Colossians 3:23
A company that was established in 2003 by former Washington Redskin Eddie Mason, who has dedicated his life to changing others regardless of background. He and his team are extremely passionate about setting a unique training atmosphere that has a great balance of encouragement and challenge that brings about real change. We set a high bar and standard on educating individuals who truly desire to get better on paying attention to the details in regards to their wellness, health and fitness goals.
We have put in the time, made it our business to be the best in the business by continuing to educate ourselves on new paradigms and training methodology that separate our methods from all others. But most importantly the merit and spirit of how we train is what truly separates us from the competition.
Bringing the Best out of You!!
Email us at [email protected] (We will respond within 24 hours.)
We work with ALL sports because we DO NOT train specifically for sport, but the performance required to be great in a sport. We train biomechanics in regards to running efficiency for speed, as well as agility, conditioning, core strength, flexibility, mobility, power and explosion. We improve performance so the athlete can go be GREAT in their sport.
YES! We offer 1 week free trials and assessments for any adult or athlete. CLICK HERE to set up your FREE TRIAL today!